Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A note on my absence

 First, let me apologize to all my readers for my absence these past few weeks. I can explain.

On October 22nd at 2:17 in the afternoon, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Labor was no problem. No complications. I didn't even get pain medication, a fact that I am very proud of.

Of course, these past two weeks since her birth, I've nearly blogged several times, only to fail miserably and wind up falling asleep at the computer. In fact, as I type this, I'm fighting back yawn after yawn and counting down the minutes till my little girl wakes up again.

This is all made all the more difficult given the fact that I also have a 4 year old girl, a 2 year old boy, and a 15 month old boy. But, now I hope to be getting back in the swing of things.

I haven't had time to review any sims, a fact in which I hope to remedy soon. So I just hit this month's FaMESHed and and nabbed a look that could pass as vintage or modern. Make sure you get there this round. There's tons of awesome stuff.

Skin- Glam Affair- Katya America 02
Hands- SLINK- Elegant 
Hair- TRUTH Hair- Thalia
Hat- Ariskea- Anya Hats collection @ faMESHed
Coat- erratic- misha wrap coat- @ faMESHed
Leggings- Maitreya- Leggings xtra small
Boots- **BAIASTICE**- Rochee ankle boots @ faMESHed

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